
Dear Freshman: Words of Encouragement for Your First Year of College

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Dear First Time College Freshman,

 As you approach the pearly gates of heaven and hell on earth, aka COLLEGE, walk in with an open mind and no expectations. Absolutely none. That way you won’t be disappointed no matter the outcome. Make these four or more years the most memorable of your life without any regrets.

You’ll start school and all of the college parties will be coming at you back to back. Underage drinking will be more than tempting, new relationships will form, and breakups will happen. It’s college and those things are supposed to be a part of your memories.

You’ll also have financial aid driving you crazy at the beginning of every semester and be prepared to drop a class or two because you haven’t fully taken on the responsibility of being an adult. Some administrators are nice and some are not, but you’ll have to roll with the punches. It’ll make you stronger in the long run.

As most of us know, some students choose a college based on how much or how little partying goes on at the campus. There will be enough partying in your four years, so don’t get too clouded. After all, your parents paid their hard earned money or put in so much of their time to apply for those loans to get you where you are. You need to keep in mind that the end goal is to get that degree, everything else is secondary.

College is almost like an extension of high school. You’ll have crushes, arguments with friends, and people start their tenure with you that will not be #teamyou by the end of your last year. But that’s okay. It’s all an experience.

You’ll meet amazing people from around the world with different walks of life. Branch out of your comfort zone and try new things. Try new foods. Learn new languages and the cultures of some of your new friends. Who knows, you may get that one roommate that will be your lifetime friend, or you may meet the man/woman that will end up being your husband/wife. But don’t jump the gun too fast! Date a little.

College is no walk in the park, but the experience is contingent upon what you make of it. Sometimes it gets lonely on those campuses and there will be times when you can’t go home to your family. Some of your friends will leave and go to school closer to home, but be thankful for the holidays when you get to see them. You’ve spent most, if not all, of your holidays together with your family, so for your first year, step out the box and take that trip to Seattle with your roommate or to Miami with the friend you made in Biology class.

[Photo: Instagram @theecrooklyn]
I can’t stress enough the importance of friendship. Nobody wants to be a loner. Friendships are just as appropriate and important as relationships with loved ones. I walked into college with four friends and when I left (because I could no longer receive financial aid), I left with those same four friends and an additional two. Everyone else was just a simple “hello and goodbye”. That wasn’t something I’m proud of but after returning, I’ve made lifelong friends who I can’t wait to visit in their new homes. You learn so many things about yourself when you open up to mix and mingle with new people. You also learn the type of personalities agree and disagree with yours. If you have those friends that are territorial of you, give them a warning or let them go. There is no rule in the college handbook that states you can’t make more friends because of a jealous friend you have. Always be mindful of the company you keep.

[Photo: **Parapluie** via Flickr]
Enjoy as many homecomings, homecomings of other universities and spring breaks as you can. Join a sorority or fraternity or your local National Association of Black Journalists chapter. Clean up the neighboring community. Have unforgettable moments. Make moments that you can’t remember but the stories you hear make you cry tears of laughter.

The college experience is a pivotal moment in life. You just have to remember not to walk into the doors of opportunity closed-minded. Be aware of everything. I’ve cried a lot during my years but I have also smiled and had many experiences where I sit and think, “Man, I would definitely do this over again.”

Last notes; don’t let anyone sweet talk you into something that you aren’t ready for. Don’t turn your head away from your drink. Live. Love. Laugh. Travel. Be young and free because once those moments are gone, you can’t get them back. College is the place where students become adults, in most cases. Everybody should try their hand at the full life experience of living on campus with no car (you’ll be fine). Even for a semester, it’s definitely worth it.

All of the BS will be worth the BS in the end. I made it. So can you.

[Photo: Visha Angelova via Flickr]

Best Wishes,

